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Visma Numeron

Mobile App Privacy

Visma Numeron Mobile App Privacy

Visma Aquila takes security and privacy very seriously. The collected data is used solely for the intended purpose and for improving the service, via statistics and usage analysis. Personal data is not sold or released to third parties. The usage of the mobile app requires a contract between an employer company and Visma (mobile app is an optional add-on to Numeron service). All the agreements signed with the customer company apply also to usage with the mobile app. App uses the same central cloud service and servers used with Visma Numeron software.

Contact information:

What data we collect

Login details
Username/Email, Person identifier (personID)

Request details
Person identifier (personID), RequestType

Work offer details
Person identifier (personID), Telephone number (for 2-Way SMS)

System logs and maintenance

For needs related to operation and maintenance, this website and any third party services used by it may collect System Logs, which are files that record the interactions and that may also contain Personal Data, such as the User IP address.

All the data we collect is stored in the EU and is only available to the person and to the data controller. Data is not stored for longer than needed to maintain the service, system logs are stored for one year. Agreements with customer companies apply and there are no additions to data already collected by Numeron due to the app. Deletion of customer data is agreed in the personal data processing agreement.

Android specific permissions

We use basic Android permission, listed below. Permissions are not used for Personal data handling.

  • android.permission.INTERNET
    App needs internet for communicating with Numeron cloud services to send and receive data.
  • android.permission.VIBRATE
    App needs vibrate for displaying time critical notifications like new published work shift requests.
  • android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
    App needs permission to display alert messages for entry mistakes, app version update needs etc.

iOS specific permissions


We use basic iOS permission. Permissions are not used for Personal data handling.

General information about data privacy

Data protection and data processing are described at a general level in the Visma Trust Center;